Creating a Library from scratch

To create a new Library from scratch and adjust each and every field manually, choose Add Library option from burger menu at the top-right of the window and tap Empty Library. In the window that will be opened, start from the Main tab and set:

  • Library name to distinguish it from other Libraries in your collection or group
  • Color of the library to highlight it in the list of all databases
  • What should be Put on the tile and shown on the preview: icon, the total number of entries, editing time, Add entry button or Aggregation results if the Aggregation is set for this Library
  • Whether The entry name is unique or there may be entries with the same names but different fields
  • Choose a single-one field that works as Entry name and one or several once to be the Entry description. If there are not fields created yet, go to Fields tab to add some. Also, here you can set the entry thumbnail and color depending on the fields with the relevant type.

After you are done with the Main settings, switch to the remaining tabs: Fields, Aggregation, Autofill.

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