Changing the View

Entries added to the Library are shown in the List by default. However, there are two additional types of view available in Memento Database: Table and Cards: There are two more views available if the relavant fields are added to the Library: Map and Calendar: Map shows all Library items as the coordinates. To […]


You can create a Reminder for any entry in the Library. It will notify you about the entry when the time has come. Reminders are effective for the Libraries with the to-do list or the list of purchases. Reminder is shown as the app notification. By tapping the notification, the […]

Customizing data

All added or imported entries are always at hand in Memento Database. Anytime you can edit, duplicate, remove the chosen entry, add it to Favorites, check the info about it, etc. The article below describes the most common actions available for any entry from the Entry screen: Editing entries To […]

Creating an entry

There are several ways to fill Library with data. The basic one is adding entries one by one. Entry is a structured entity of data. Its structure depends on the fields that have been added while the Library was created. That is why creating an entry is a unique process […]

Syncing data with Google Sheets

In addition to Memento Cloud, you can sync your Libraries with Google Drive and store the copy of the Library structure online. Start from linking your Google account to Memento Database in Settings. After the accounts are connected, you will be able to launch sync from Main Menu by tapping […]

Users and user groups

User is a person with the registered account in Memento Database network. You can share the Library with the existing user or create a new one if it is allowed by your subscription plan. To add a new user to your team, go to Memento account window from Cloud Storage […]

Memento Cloud Storage

Memento Cloud Storage allows you to backup all your Libraries and get access to them on all your devices. Moreover, you can grant access to the Library to other registered users whether they are from your team or not. To start using Memento Cloud, register an account inside the app. […]

Importing & Exporting data

In Memento Database, you can import and export both the library structure and the whole amount of data associated with it. The first option helps creating new libraries easily if they are based on the previously created and exported ones. The second option helps filling the data automatically without the […]


Adding JavaScript field allows you to create a small piece of code that uses fields as variables and compute the result based on this data. It will help to generate the fields make it easier for the end user to add data to the Library. To add the JavaScript, click  […]


Adding Calculations field type allows you to create a simple calculated expression using the predefined list of math, strings, date/time and logical functions and fields as variables. It will help to generate the fields based on the already filled data and make it easier for the end user to add […]